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This four hour guided tour begins at your hotel from where you will walk or be driven to the historic city market built in 1904. Here you can see and buy a huge variety of tropical fruits and spices.


You will also feel the pulse of Zanzibar and hear different dialects.

Being spoken by people at the market. From the market the tour takes you to the Anglican Cathedral of Christ. Built by Bishop Steers in 1874 on the site of the slave market. You will then go to the National Museum of

Zanzibar (former Sultan Palace) which dates back to 1925. Here you will

see numerous relics from the era of the Sultans of Zanzibar and the early

explores of East Africa.


Next stop is the Forodhani Gardens where you will see the old British

Consulate (the house where the body of Dr. Livingstone was kept prior to being sent back to England). Close by area the Portuguese Fort (c. 17000) and the House of Wonders (1883).


Afterwards, we will take you for a leisurely walk through the narrow street of Stone Town where most of the houses date back to more than 150 years ago. In this part of town you will find many small bazaars, intricately carved doors, curio shops and much else. Last stops are Livingstone Houses (1866) and the Maruhubi Palace ruins (1880).



1 Person

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